Today’s Monday Morning Inspiration is all about love.
When the day draws to a close and I climb into bed, there’s one question I ask myself each night. And that question is “How well did I show love today?”
I’ve been reflecting on this question lately. And, what better time to share my thoughts about it than during February when we celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Why This Question?
The question is so simple yet it wasn’t one I had thought to ask myself before. Rather, it came from the suggestion of a spiritual friend. You see, I was getting caught up in trying to figure out my purpose, my vocation in life. Therefore, she reminded me that it’s not about what I do. What work title I hold. Or the type of car I drive. And it certainly isn’t about how much money I have. Because someday, we won’t take any of these things with us, she reminded me. But God will hold us accountable in one area – LOVE.
Because at the end of the day it’s really all about love.
That’s why that one question I ask myself each night is so important.
What Jesus Has to Say
One of the Pharisees asked Jesus what was the greatest commandment of the law. Here was his response…
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And, the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. – Matthew 22:37-39 (NIV).
The answer is love.
When Obstacles Get in the Way
Jesus’commandment may sound simple, but sometimes it can be hard to show love. In fact, sometimes it’s more difficult to show love to those close to us than it is to complete strangers.
I know this all too well. Perhaps you do too?
Typically, it’s my family who bears the brunt of my emotions when I’m tired and worn out and I don’t feel like showing love.
Let’s face it, in day-to-day life, showing love is really about the small things. You know those things we encounter on a daily basis that can test our patience, drain or energy, and make us want to do anything BUT love.
For me, it’s been the times when…
- It’s been a long day, I’m tired, and my child wants me to help her with her English essay
- It’s 9:00 at night, I’m still doing laundry, and everyone else is relaxing and watching television
- I’ve driven miles and miles as I chauffeur my child and her friend back and forth to sports practice without much appreciation
It’s in these moments when I don’t feel like showing love, when it’s not convenient for me, or when no one is looking to see my actions that Jesus calls me to love the most.
Showing Love IS Possible
I’m constantly reminding myself that during these tough moments, I need to take the high road and show love anyway. Even if I don’t feel like it.
God wouldn’t ask us to love, even during the tough times, if we weren’t capable of doing it, right?
“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And, God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so you can endure it.” – 1 Corinthians 10:13 (NIV)
Maybe this ‘way out’ that Jesus is talking about is love. Because when I respond with love in any situation, whether it’s with my family or even with a complete stranger, the outcome is always better.
What I’ve Learned
Asking myself “How well did I show love today?” is helping me to dig deeper spiritually. What do I mean by this? Well, I used to review my day, confess my sins, and ask God for forgiveness. Now, after doing these things, I also ask myself that one question each night and I take a closer look at how I responded during the day. Not just focusing on where I fell short, but also thinking about how I can do better tomorrow.
For example, if I lost patience with my daughter after helping her with her schoolwork late at night, tomorrow I can show love by helping her earlier in the evening. I can remind her that I’d love to help but my mind is at its best in the early evening hours.
Similarly, just today my husband asked me to do him a favor which meant running an additional errand in the opposite direction of where I was going. It was going to add another 40 minutes round trip to my already crammed schedule. I felt myself on the verge of complaining but then I thought — I can do this. In fact, this is exactly what this blog post is about! By helping my husband with this one particular need, I showed love to him today. So I zipped my lips and went on my way determined to do this activity with love instead of with grumbling and complaining.
Asking myself that one question each night of how well I loved today is helping me to break free from focusing on all the things I did wrong. Instead, it’s helping me to look forward to what I can do better tomorrow. Because tomorrow is a new day after all. I know I can’t do it alone, so I invite God to help me in my areas of weakness. Moreover, it’s serving as a constant reminder throughout the day that the most important decision I can make is to choose love. Especially in the little things.
“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” – Philippians 4:13 (NLT)
Joanne says
Speaking of love with Valentine’s Day this week, it really brought to mind exactly what that day means. During our prayer group this morning we added some love songs , like You Are My Sunshine and many others that go back years. Some of our younger members did not know these songs, but myself and another woman who also lost her husband, it brought a sense of sadness that we can no
Longer express our love to a spouse. We need to look beyond what or who gets on our nerves and focus on the blessings God has given us
. We need to show love now so that we do not regret it later on.