In April, my family and I took to the road for our annual Spring Break getaway. We woke up at the crack of dawn, piled into our 180,000-mile minivan (can you tell we like to travel?) and headed south for sunny Florida.

On the Road Again…
In many ways, it was all too familiar. You see, trip preparations in my house are epic – at least for me. My travel routine goes something like this…
- Carefully crafting “to do” lists which no one reads but me
- Packing every article of summer clothing I own because, after all, I won’t be washing clothes while we’re away, will I?
- Cleaning the house from top to bottom because doesn’t everyone come home to a spotless house after staying in that fancy resort?
- Doing all the laundry to make room for the 100 bags of stinky, dirty clothes that will invade the laundry room upon our return
But this trip was different.
It was sentimental. It was emotional. It was bittersweet.
You see, this journey marked the last time we would ALL be together on Spring Break. Because in just a few short weeks, my son – my first born – will be going off to college.
It seems as though my tears have already started.
A Sentimental Journey
So, this Spring Break was very precious to me. During the over 1,400-mile journey, I reflected on just how different things would soon be. I imagined…
- No more “family of four” Spring Break vacations for a while – at least not until my 15-year-old daughter is off to college herself. And even then, what are the chances that two teens/soon-to-be adults want to hang out with their parents on Spring Break? Slim to none, I bet.
- My son being on his own for the first time
- Family dinners as a family of three not four
- No more sibling rivalry, accusations of loving one child more than the other, or last-minute pickup basketball games on the driveway.
What Does it All Mean?
Where has the time gone, I wondered, and what could I do about it?
Although, my brain was cloudy, the answer was astonishingly clear.
Enjoy every single minute of our time together. Be present, really present (with cell phones and computers put aside) and just savor this special time as a family.
And that’s just what we did.
For instance, we spent lazy days talking and lounging by the pool.

We explored the sights and tastes of Key West and the Florida Everglades. We watched the dolphins swim and play. And, we ended our trip with a visit to Disney.

I savored each and every moment of this trip realizing that this is how God wants me to live every day of my life. Fully present – treating each day as a gift.
I felt grateful and blessed. I no longer thought of this trip as an end to something. It was really a beginning. A new chapter for all of us.
A New Normal
Come next Spring, I know I’ll look back on this trip fondly and with renewed hope for new adventures for our family of four. Yes, there’s a chance that it may not be over Spring Break. And, it may require extra planning and preparation to coordinate everyone’s schedules. But, the end result will be the same – quality family time, being present to each other, and being grateful for our time together.
I can’t ask for anything more than that.
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