Happy New Year!
I don’t know about you, but I was excited to say goodbye to 2020 and hello to a brand-new year. I wasn’t expecting anything to magically change overnight when the ball was dropped in Times Square or when I manually flipped the calendar to the near year. But, this time, the start of a new year fills me with one thing – hope. And, given what we’ve all experienced in 2020, I don’t know anyone who’s not looking forward to a more hopeful 2021.
No More Resolutions
Many people make resolutions at the start of the new year. They’re often focused on what we want to do or accomplish such as…
I want to exercise more.
I want to lose weight.
I want to eat healthier.
Personally, I’m not a fan of making New Year’s resolutions for many reasons (you can read more about that here) but mostly because I’ve found that it only takes me a few weeks to break them. The thought of a year-long resolution tossed aside after only a few short weeks leaves me feeling anything but hopeful.
Let God Take the Lead
This year, I’m not making any New Year’s resolutions. And, I’m not focusing on what I can do or accomplish. Instead, I’m focusing on what God can do through me. My hope for 2021 is for God’s will to be done in my life, to let Him take the lead and for me to simply follow.
My journey to a more hopeful 2021 begins with my spiritual life. And much of it starts with my mindset.
How can I grow and shift my attitude to resemble Christ?
How can I focus on the good instead of dwelling on the past?
How can I place greater trust in God this year?
Get Ready for Takeoff
As I was thinking about these things, a friend shared the following about our journey into the new year. I’ve learned that there are no coincidences. This wonderful message for 2021 was without a doubt God’s way of speaking to me. I hope it speaks to you also…
Ready for the Journey
I’m ready for the flight? How about you?
It’s a great reminder for how to make 2021 a year filled with hope.
It reminds me that…
- I need to adjust my mindset and that begins with thanking God for a new day when I wake up.
- I need to be thankful for my blessings. I dusted off my gratitude journal and decided that at the end of each day, I will write down three things I’m grateful for. It’s never too late to restart a good habit.
- I need to rid myself of negativity, hurt, and discouragement. It’s not easy to do that’s for sure, but the first step is awareness. So, when I recognize that negative emotions are beginning to surface, I thank God for something. I affirm my trust in Him, and one way I do that is by simply saying “Jesus, I trust in you.” Sometimes as soon as I catch negative emotions vying for space in my mind, I go to my room where it’s quiet and read a short devotional or the sculpture readings for the day. More often than not, it settles my mind and calms me down. Then, I’m ready to move on with my day.
- I can’t make this journey alone. I need prayer and faith to keep going. Talking to God as I go throughout my day helps a lot. So does saying part of the Surrender Novena – “Jesus, I surrender my life to you, take care of everything.”
- I need to rid my life of baggage which can take the form of regret, unforgiveness, pride, jealousy, and envy. When I carry this baggage, I feel weighed down. Hope becomes suffocated. I have to constantly ask myself if these feelings and thoughts are from God. If they aren’t, I need to let them go. Asking God for forgiveness as soon as I’m aware of a sin helps to take the baggage off my back because once God forgives, my sins are wiped away. God’s mercy heals me so why should I carry the baggage any further?
Doing all of these things doesn’t mean that life will be great all the time or that I won’t have any difficulties. But our world measures greatness much more differently than God does. Hardships and trials help grow our faith and make us stronger. Having a mindset and an attitude of gratitude prepares us for the turbulence that may disrupt our flight.
Let’s Journey Together!
I hope you’ll Journey to Flight 2021 with me. As I make this journey, I’ll keep in mind what I read, pondering each component of the journey, knowing that it’s how God wants me to live every day of my life. It’s an opportunity to learn what is necessary to take with me on my journey and a reminder of what I should leave behind.
Happy 2021 my friends!
Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 3:13-14 (ESV)
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