On this Faithful Friday, I’m challenging myself to be disciplined in learning about my faith.
In particular, I’m referring to a bible study I just started. If you recall from my post earlier this week, I began a women’s bible study at my church called Walking with Purpose. It’s my third year participating, so I’m no stranger to what the program entails.
Each week, we come together to fellowship with one another and to share our thoughts based on a workbook we read. The book is divided into five days’ worth of reading. Our “homework” is to read the text, look up the scripture verses, and answer the corresponding questions so we can apply what we’ve learned to that particular day. Ideally, the goal is to work on one chapter a day.

Sounds good, right? Well, it didn’t quite work out that way. I not only fell short of my goal; I didn’t even come close! Instead, I felt like a college student in panic mode. You know when it’s the night before the exam and you realized you haven’t studied all week for it. I didn’t pull an “all nighter” by any means. But, I resorted to cramming five days’ worth of bible study into about two hours’ time. It’s not something I’d recommend doing.
As I sat in the bible study group yesterday, I realized that it wasn’t just about me procrastinating on doing the work for this bible study. Truth be told, I could feel myself moving away from God this week and moving on to other things … like household chores, running errands, working on my blog, spending time on social media, etc. In short, I chose other things over God.
Thank goodness I was surrounded by faithful women in the group who understand and have experienced this too. So, there was no criticism or judgment for my lack of discipline. After all, we are there to encourage each other not tear each other down. But, I felt in my heart, that God was speaking to me telling me that I need to take time to be with him.
So, I’m picking myself up, dusting myself off, and I’m ready to be faithful and being disciplined in learning about my faith. Because sometimes I need to “schedule” time with God whether it’s doing bible study, praying, or reading a spiritual book. I need this to keep me on the right path.
So, if you get off course, just get up and try again. God is merciful and he knows your heart.
How about you? How do you remain faithful to learning about your faith? How do you draw near to God when you find yourself letting life get in the way?
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. – Matthew 6:33 (ESV)
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