Today’s Faithful Friday is all about faithful women in my life, celebrating my daughter’s sweet 16 birthday, and a visit from my son at college.
This week I’m counting my blessings. And there are plenty!
Sharing with Faithful Women
Each October, I faithfully wait for the start of a women’s group I participate in through my local church called Walking with Purpose. More about this group in a post next week. This group of special faith-filled ladies keeps my cup full of faith, encouragement, support, and laughter. Each week, we come together to study God’s word, grow our faith, and fellowship with one another. And what a blessing it is!
Celebrating Sweet 16!
I got a double blessing this week when my son came home from college to celebrate my daughter’s sweet 16th birthday. We had the family over to celebrate this milestone birthday, and I reflected on how 16 years have gone by and my little girl is now a young lady.

First Visit Home from College
During my daughter’s birthday celebration, we welcomed my son’s first visit home from college since the start of the fall semester. We were excited to see him, and he was excited to escape the confines of dorm living. He brought us up to speed on all the college happenings. We watched his college football team play on TV. And he got some much needed sleep as only a college student can do.

This week was also a time for me to put my faith into practice as my son took a three hour bus ride from college to our home for the very first time. Nothing monumental, I know, but for this mom, it was a new adventure and a sign that my boy is growing up.
So, faithful friends, how was your week? What blessings do you want to celebrate? How has God been faithful to you this week? Please share in the comments section below.
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