Today’s Monday Morning Inspiration is all about walking and how good it is for you both physically and emotionally. I know about this first hand because for the past year, I’ve formed a habit of going for daily walks. And I’ve discovered that these walks not only feed my physical body, they feed my soul too.

How Walking Feeds My Body in a Simple Way
Walking has many physical benefits from increasing cardiovascular health to strengthening bones and improving balance. What’s not to like about that? Furthermore, it’s easy to establish a daily walking routine to reap these benefits. For instance, walking doesn’t require any special equipment or any particular place to go. In fact, I only need a good pair of walking shoes and comfortable clothing. A few extras (but not essentials) help too such as my phone, and my Air Pods to listen to my favorite podcasts (more about this later). And because I live in a large community, I can walk right in my own neighborhood.

What’s also great about walking is that it can be done anytime during the day. For instance, my daily walks begin first thing in the morning. There’s just something special about that time – it’s peaceful and quiet. And, it’s a great way to set my intentions for the day as I walk with the blue-sky overhead and the warmth of the sun on my back.
Similarly, there are no boundaries or time length for daily walking either. Any physical activity is better than none at all. So, do what works for you. I walk anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour so it doesn’t take too much time out of my day. In doing so, I’m able to get a good brisk walk in covering a span of about two miles.
Also, you can walk solo or with a companion. I walk alone during my morning walks but my husband recently joined me on my walking journey too. As often as we can, we walk in the evenings. It’s a peaceful time and a nice way for us to connect with one another as we close out our day.

How Walking Feeds my Soul
Most of all, I love what a daily walk does for my emotional health. It feeds my soul. Specifically, it relieves stress, calms me down, and helps me to reflect on my life spiritually.
For example, when I walk outside, and I take in the sights and sounds of God’s creation all around me, I feel at peace. Somehow, whatever I was worried or anxious about, seems a little bit lighter. It’s hard to be in a bad mood, or to feel thoughts of regret or worry when I’m walking outside in the open air. I feel like I have room to breathe, and I feel grateful to be walking on this earth.
I’ve learned a lot about myself from my daily walks too. Sometimes I walk in silence and pray. Other times I’m silent and I listen to what God wants to say to me. Or, if I really need to get moving, I listen to music.
But lately I’ve been listening to spiritual podcasts during my walking time. This has made such a difference in my spiritual life. I love soaking in each and every positive, uplifting message as I continue on my way. It’s like God is speaking to me during these messages. It always seems as though what I’m hearing was meant just for me. Then, when I’m finished listening to the message, I walk in silence waiting to hear what God has to say.
Don’t Let the Power of Walking Walk Away From You
I can’t stress enough what a different walking has made in my life both physically and emotionally. I’d encourage you to give walking a try and don’t let this opportunity to set up a walking routine walk right by you!
Listen While You Walk!

Here are some of my favorite podcasts/apps to listen to while I walk. Click on the links to learn more.
The Jeff Cavins Show –
Jeff Cavins hosts Catholic bible study podcasts covering a range of topics from how to read and study the bible to simplifying your life and drawing your children to Jesus.
Joel Osteen Ministries–
Pastor Joel Osteen of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas offers positive, uplifting messages on how to deal with people in a Godly way, encouraging others to not give up hope, and fulfilling your Godly purpose in life.
Relevant Radio App –
A Catholic Radio station offering live broadcast of their radio show or the ability to download shows on demand. Messages include a daily podcast on today’s readings, questions answered by experts in the Catholic faith, messages of hope for living out our faith in daily life, and the ability to pray the rosary while you walk.
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