One area that I turn to God in prayer is control. As a wife and a mom, it’s hard to let go of the need to control whether it’s the details of my day to the circumstances I’m facing in my life. But, as much as I’d like to think I’m the one in control, that’s really not the case.
Is Control Controlling Me?
As a child, I was neat, organized, and overly conscientious both at home and at school. I took great pride in everything I did from helping my mom with household chores, to keeping a neat appearance, and being impeccable with my schoolwork.
Years later, I grew up and married a man who is the complete opposite of me. For example, my husband takes his time completing tasks while I’m quickly checking off my to-do list. He makes time for rest while I’m rushing around the house. And, he’s not worried about more than what he can see right in front of him. On the other hand, I thrive on routine, and I worry about not only what’s happening now but what may happen later.
Then, I became a mom and that brought about new challenges. Each school year, I hoped my kids would have the ‘right’ teacher. I’d fret over whether they would make the school sports team that year. And, I worried they would get sick when cold and flu season came upon us.
And, now I’m the mom of a teenage daughter and a college-aged son. Sometimes, I stay up at night wondering if they’ll pass their exam, if they will find the right friends, and if they will marry the right person. Similarly, I worry over whether I taught them enough, loved them enough, and praised them enough to set them on the right path for the future.

Maybe you experience this too.
Where does Control Come From?
So where does this ugly monster called control come from? Often times, it comes from fear and worry.
When I was young, I was shy, quiet, and reserved. I was hesitant around new people and new situations. Being out of my comfort zone was difficult for me. It’s tough being in school sometimes and it can bring about fear.
Along with fear, worry has offered to be my friend many times in my life. You see, I come from a long line of worriers. So, in some ways, worry has become second nature to me.
With age comes wisdom, and I’ve learned that when I worry, I get fearful and that makes me want to take control all the more. But if you really think about it…how many of us really have control of everything going on in our life anyway? We don’t. So, it seems control, fear and worry, really serve no purpose at all.
Kicking Control to the Curb
I’ve realized that I never really had control in the first place. And, I never will. So, I’ve resolved to kick control to the curb and to put it in the hands of the one who knows best. I’m trusting the one person who has it all figured out. I’m placing my need to control in the hands of the one who sees and knows all – God.
Each day, I’m releasing control and putting it in the place where it belongs – in God’s hands.
But, I know I can’t do it alone. So, I’ve teamed up with faithful friends to begin each day turning control over to God.
Our Challenge to Release Control
We begin our day with this prayer…
Dear God, I give up my need to control and I put it in your hands today. Amen.
We text each other this prayer and sometimes we do an occasional phone call if we’re facing a situation where we are tempted to take control but know we shouldn’t. Together, we pray over the phone and ask God to help us right where we are. We pray that God will guide us to do his will and not ours.
These are baby steps but it’s a start. By consciously putting control in God’s hands from the moment I wake up, I’ve aligned my mind and my heart with Him before I begin my day. What does this mean? Hopefully freedom to live this day with less worry, fear, and anxiety because I’ve placed the gift of today in the hands of my Father.
I consider this my first step in learning to release control and to put God in the driver’s seat.
How do you turn your concerns over to God? What has worked for you? I’d love to hear your suggestions in the comments section below.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. – Philippians 4:6 (ESV)
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