Today’s Monday Morning Inspiration is all about our thought life.
The mind is a battlefield. Every day, millions of thoughts flood our mind jarring for our attention. Some are good thoughts. They are uplifting and positive. Some are negative, weighing us down with self-condemnation. Which thoughts do you pay the most attention to? Our thoughts can shape our life. For this reason, it’s so important to take control of your thoughts before they take control of you.

What I’ve Learned About My Thought Life
I’ve learned a lot in the last few months about paying attention to my thoughts. This is due in part to the Walking with Purpose women’s bible study called Fearless and Free. Based on the wisdom contained in the book of Ephesians, the study has been an eye opener for me about how our thoughts affect our emotions, our actions, and ultimately how we live our life. And how important it is to take control of our thoughts each day.
For example, think about a time when your morning got off to a rough start. Maybe you forgot to set your alarm and you were late for work. You might tell yourself “I can’t believe I was so stupid and forgot to set the alarm. I’m always screwing up.” Or maybe you had a disagreement with your spouse or your kids before walking out the door. Afterwards, you might think “I’m never appreciated around here. I’m tired of being the one to pick up all the slack. No one seems to care.”
How we talk to ourselves and how we identify with our thoughts can set the tone for the rest of our day. Furthermore, if we don’t deal with these thoughts head on and stop them in their tracks, other thoughts will take root. And the cycle of negative thoughts will continue.
Thinking the Way God Thinks
I’m learning that we need to be warriors when it comes to our thoughts. God doesn’t want us to have a negative thought life. He doesn’t want depressing, hopeless, and fearful thoughts to win the battle in our minds. Instead, he wants us to think thoughts that come from Him. Thoughts that lift us up instead of dragging us down.
Consider Philippians 4:8:
“Finally Brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” (NIV)
Take Each Thought Captive to Christ
So how do we deal with all the thoughts that vie for our attention? How do we take control of our thoughts instead of them controlling us? We need to take each thought captive and bring it to Christ.
How do we do this? There are three steps to follow:
- Identify the thought and bring it to Christ – i.e., I’m feeling fearful, hopeless, or sad
- Write down your thought and ask yourself this question – Is it from God? (refer to Philippians 4:8 above)
- Take action – Replace the negative thought with God’s truth
For instance, if we use the example from above where we are late for work, instead of beating ourselves up, we can say: “I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am a precious child of God. There is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ.”
Or, if we are dealing with fear we can say: “For God didn’t give me a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and self-control.”

Facing Negative Thoughts Head-On
When we replace the negative thought with God’s thought, we are armed to win the battle in our minds because we are facing the thought head-on.
The key is replacing the negative thought with a positive one. Replacing it with God’s truth.
This is why it’s so important to know scripture. But, if you’re like me and you’re just getting started on your spiritual journey with reading and memorizing scripture, that’s ok. Just be patient and keep delving into God’s word.
Know Your Areas of Weakness
Be honest about your weaknesses. Are you always fearful, looking to others for approval, or face some type of addiction? Name your weaknesses and ask God to help you conquer these areas in your life.
Once you know and name and weaknesses, you have power to change your thoughts.
You can use a bible concordance to look up scriptures that addresses these weaknesses. Or, today it’s as simple as googling ‘What is a scripture verse to help fight fear?’ Once you find these scripture verses, write them down and keep them with you. What I’ve found helpful is to record them in the notes section of my phone or to pick a key verse and make it my phone’s wallpaper so I have them ready when I need them.
Commit to Renewing Your Mind Today
There’s no time like the present to think about what you are thinking about. And really reflect on how your thought life affects your actions.
Take control of your thoughts. Bring each thought to Christ and replace it with His truth. Saturate your mind with scripture. Read spiritual books and uplifting novels. Spend time with people who are joyful and faith-filled. Listen to songs that bring hope not despair. And, be grateful each day.
By doing all these things, you will begin to take control of your thoughts instead of them controlling you.
Will you join me on this journey to a better thought life?

How do you deal with negative thoughts? Please share what has worked for you in the comments section below.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing, and perfect will. – Romans 12:2 (NIV)
When I am dealing with negative thoughts, and I have plenty, I try to think how God feels about me. He does not judge me or blame me, He just continues to love me. We are human, we have positive feelings and negative feelings. It is normal to blame or criticize ourselves. That is why we must ask God to help us . We cannot do it alone. I am now alone and it took a long time to rid myself of guilty feelings for losing patience with my husband during his time dealing with a disease. I now know that I was doing what God intended.. Since we were created by God, it is all good.