Sometimes I need little reminders throughout the day that everything is going to be ok. How about you? What do you need to be reminded of each day? I find that I need spiritual reminders each day to turn a worrisome thought into a faith-filled one. I need spiritual reminders to stop the mental chatter in my head and remind me of the present moment. Sometimes I need subtle, yet powerful, reminders to help me remember what’s really important in ... Read the Post...
Free Resources for Your Body, Mind, and Soul
Here we are again. We're into another month of social distancing, But with that comes many opportunities to take care of ourselves and those we love. During this challenging time, many companies are offering their services online to help nourish our bodies, minds, and souls as we are hunkered down in our homes. And the best news is that these resources are all free! Feeding our Bodies Many gyms and fitness centers are offering virtual ... Read the Post...
Finding my ‘Place’ While Staying at Home
Welcome to the world of staying at home! Like most families, we are abiding by our state’s orders to stay at home for over a month now. It’s been both a blessing and a challenge to have everyone under one roof for this length of time. Through it all, I’m still trying to figure out where I belong. I’m seeking to find my ‘place’ while staying at home. When Everything’s Not in Its Place I love everything being in its place. I thrive ... Read the Post...
Why We Can’t Give in To Fear During this Time of Crisis
In our world today, fear seems to be bigger than ever before. In particular, fear of the coronavirus is putting everyone on edge, myself included. However, the more I read, the more I see, and the more I hear, I know that there are many reasons why we can’t (and shouldn’t) give in to fear during this time of crisis. When Fear Becomes Familiar Fear is no stranger to me. You could say that we have a ‘history’ together. I've had first-hand ... Read the Post...