Today’s Monday Morning Inspiration is about giving during this Thanksgiving holiday.
It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Typically, when we think of Thanksgiving, the first thing that comes to mind is reflecting on what we are thankful for – such as family, friends, and good health. But let’s not forget the ‘giving’ part of this special holiday. There are so many simple ways to give of ourselves this Thanksgiving.
As I look around, I’m reminded that opportunities to give this Thanksgiving are plentiful. Many are simple, don’t cost a lot, and are right in our own backyards. In fact, many are in places we frequent on a regular basis. Others are right in our own neighborhoods or in towns nearby.
Consider these simple ways to give to others this Thanksgiving…
- Provide a Turkey for a Family in Need –If you go to the grocery store often, like I do, then you have a perfect opportunity to give this Thanksgiving season. There are many grocery stores that offer a free turkey if you spend a certain dollar amount in the store over a period of time. When you reach that dollar amount, you get to claim your prize – a free turkey! How about donating that turkey to your local food bank to give to a family in need? I’ve done this before and it’s an easy way to give back while helping those less fortunate.
One year, my husband was approached by a woman in a grocery store who told him that her family had no money for a Thanksgiving meal. So, he went and bought her a turkey and some fixings so she and her family could have a Thanksgiving feast. A simple, random act of kindness like this can mean so much to those with so little.

- Donate Money to a Local Food Bank – Again, if you go to the grocery store, you can donate to your local food bank right in the store as you are checking out your groceries. Some grocery stores offer a complete boxed meal for a needy family in cooperation with a local food bank or shelter. So, for a nominal fee (such as $10), you can give a family a Thanksgiving meal that they otherwise couldn’t afford.

- Contribute to a Thanksgiving Food Drive for Needy Families – Our church organizes a Thanksgiving food drive before the Thanksgiving holiday. Families bring their food items to the church before or after mass. Volunteers then take the items to a ministry in need. In addition, children in our Religious Education classes organize their own food collection drive for the entire month of November. Then, the food items are donated to an organization that serves needy families in a nearby city. I’m sure my church is not alone in this effort. Many churches organize food drives too around the Thanksgiving holiday. Check out your local church to find out how you can give back.
- Volunteer at a Local Soup Kitchen – Soup kitchens need help but especially on Thanksgiving Day. Consider giving a portion of your time to serving a Thanksgiving meal to those in need. Better yet, get your whole family involved in serving. What a great way to show your kids what Thanksgiving is really all about.
- Pray for Those Less Fortunate – As Thanksgiving approaches, consider giving your heart to God in prayer. The best part is we can pray anytime, anywhere. God is always ready and willing to listen. So maybe give up time on your cell phone, on social media, or time watching television to pray for others this Thanksgiving. It’s easy to forget that the holidays can be a lonely time for many people – financially, physically, or emotionally. Why not offer up a novena for those who may be facing a difficult Thanksgiving this year or spend some quiet time in adoration asking God to make his presence known to those in need? By giving our petitions to God in prayer, we allow him to work in our life and in the lives of those we are praying for.

Giving from our Hearts
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because it’s really all about the condition of our hearts. Thanksgiving gives us an opportunity to slow down and have an attitude of gratitude. Moreover, it provides us an opportunity to give to others. And it’s a holiday not centered on giving commercial gifts such as jewelry, clothing, or gift cards. This time, it’s about giving of ourselves. It may be giving to strangers in need this Thanksgiving as I mentioned above. Or giving to our family and friends by cooking a Thanksgiving meal or just sitting around the table and enjoying the presence our loved ones. When we do these things, we reflect a heart of gratitude for what God has given to us.
The King will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” – Matthew 25:40 (NIV)
Unlike Christmas, when the focus is on buying & receiving gifts, Thanksgiving is for thanking God for our families whether they are alive or passed. We tend to forget what blessings God has bestowed on us. Let us start saying thank God more often.